Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Country Is Not America Inc.

One thing that I have taken away from the last few months of puerile jabbering (otherwise known as the Republican debates) is that conservatives believe that a good CEO will make a great President. The GOP with the assistance of Fox News and nit-wit AM radio douchebags like Rush Limbaugh  have repeatedly smashed this idea into the heads of their viewers and listeners. This talking point is like most GOP talking points...complete bullshit.

A country is not a big corporation!

The majority of Republican voters think that an individual who has amassed great personal wealth is going to somehow balance the budget, create jobs and make America prosperous. This is the furthermost thing from the reality of Corporate America. CEO's make money for the investor class. They do not care if their labor force is from this country or from Laos or Cambodia as long as it is cheap. Since the beginning of the 20th century, 21 men have served as President of the United States. Only 5 of them had real business experience. Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter and both of the Bushes. This not exactly an overwhelming boost in the arm for this ridiculous theory and let's note here that 2 of these presidents (Hoover and W.) led us into the great depression and the bank collapse of 2007.

What the conservatives actually want to do is privatize all the services that our taxes have been paying for over the last 100 years. Since Reagan, they have been slowly chipping away at social services like Medicare, Social Security and the Postal Service. They have been underfunding and sometimes defunding Public Education, Health and Human Services and letting our nations highways and infrastructure crumble. They run on platforms of how government doesn't work, and once they are elected they continue to sabotage the process even further to prove the point. They continue to lower the tax rates so less money is coming in to pay for these services and then bark that the government is overspending all while calling themselves conservative.

We have now reached a very important point in our nation's history. It is the point where we the American people either elect a president who can lead a country based on the needs of it's citizens or we elect a corporatist who will ultimately lead us into fascist state. This new conservative leader will not represent us, but the corporate oligarchy. We are almost there now. The newspapers and media are completely owned by a few of these giant, bloated conglomerates. If you seriously believe that Newscorp and Fox News are not the KY jellied fist rammed up the GOP puppet's ass making it move then you are fucking delusional. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and all the other network news programming is just a 24 hour a day psychotic merry-go-round of right wing and left wing hacks barking at each other while the moderator nods and smiles. These supposed news channels can barely present a 30 second report about the war in Syria and bloodbaths in Rwanda, but can spend brain numbing hours on a story about Mel Gibson throwing his own feces at a hotel maid.

They have learned that by utilizing Christianity, they can can subvert the constitution by denying basic human rights to gays and lesbians, woman and minorities. They wave a bible and accuse these groups of people of being evil,  lazy and morally corrupt to glean votes from frightened white people.
The outrageous fact is that many of these people who are suckered into voting for these neo-conservative scumbags are the very people who will lose their medicare, social security and public assistance if they get elected!

The United States is not a Company.  It cannot be run like one. You cannot fire American citizens. Our democracy does not need to be monetary profitable. Our democracy needs to work for it's  citizens. All of it's citizens. We are the investors and the consumers. The rich need to pony up more because they have thrived in this country and they need to give something back. The poor need to be helped so they can climb out of poverty. Our elderly must be taken care of. We need health care for all because this is America for fucks sake! People should not be dying of curable ailments because they cannot pay for it. That's not supposed to happen here. We have all forgotten about the public good. We all need to pay attention in November because if the Republicans get the White House we will become America Inc. and believe me there will be pink slips for all.

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