Friday, October 28, 2011
Why the OWS and the Tea Party should hold hands and make nice nice...
I remember back not too long ago that the Tea Party was this new Pseudo-Libertarian, pro civil liberties, anti-tax group that exploded when Bush and congress passed The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. They practically rioted in the streets with the thought of 700 billion tax dollars going to bail out Wall Street and the banks. I ask you know, where is the Tea Party support for the Occupy Wall Street group who are rallying to the same call? Surely we can put aside our differences so that we can unify and fight the greatest threat that our nation has faced since the civil war? All that we hear from the Tea Party is how American citizens have lost their voice and how lobbyists have taken over the government and how we need a revolution to restore our democracy! Well Tea Party Patriots.....Join us and we can truly change the way things are done in Washington. If we are united then we will make them listen and we will make our country a more fair prosperous place for our children! Are you with us Tea Party Patriots? Ready........CHARGE!!!
Unfortunately, this is a rally call that will fall on deaf ears. That is because the Tea Party is not about civil liberties and tax fairness. It's not about getting lobbyists and corporate dollars out of government. It is not about less government and power to the working class. Their fight is getting Obama out of the White House. Period. Once that is accomplished than the fat and the stupid will roll up their flags, pack up their lawn chairs and go home. The problem is that their home is in foreclosure and they've just received a pink slip because the company they've worked for for thirty years just "downsized" and shipped his job to Ethiopia. This of course results in him losing his health benefits increasing his heart medication cost to $250.00 monthly instead of his normal $10.00 copay.
These Fox News, brainwashed morons perceive the Occupy Wall Street crowd as some subversive cult looking to destroy American values when in fact they are the ones with the most to lose. The young people in this country see whats coming down the road. They don't give a fuck about abortion or family values Christian conservatism. They don't give a shit if homosexuals marry and they certainly are getting pissed that they have college loans the size of your average 30 mortgage. They are moving back in with their parents because they can't find a fucking job and then have to listen to richest 10% complain that their marginal tax rate may go up 3%.
Of course when unemployed, hungry people get pissed and start making noise the media calls it "class warfare". Of course when Wall Street and the banks bring the world economy to the brink of collapse resulting in millions of people losing their homes, their retirement money and investment savings they will never refer to that as class warfare. And they shouldn't because what they did was a fucking blitzkrieg!! Wall Street was the greed Luftwaffe reigning down misery and despair upon the populace with not bombs and artillery but credit default swaps derivatives and decades of reckless speculation. And just when we are at the brink, these shit beetles crawl out from under their golden toilets and demand that we give them a fucking trillion dollars claiming that they were the only people smart enough to fix it.
Well it's three years later and unemployment is unchanged, wages are stagnant, there is a war on organized labor and it seems like half the country is one fucking paycheck from the poorhouse. But where are the Tea Party? The Tea Party was taken over by the Koch Bros. and other corporate scumbags who hypnotized an entire segment of angry, white, Christian robots into thinking that the banking disaster was caused by fucking NPR and Planned Parenthood. These scumbags with the assistance of Fox News, have gotten these poor saps to blame the stock market collapse and the failure of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch on the African American president who wasn't even in office yet. These elitist Wall Street bloated maggots have convinced this group of middle class zombies that the poor are to blame and that we should go back to the days when Churches set up poor houses and leper colonies as a viable health care option. These bloody cantankerous shit stools prop up right wing Barbie and Ken doll politicians who blabber on and on in a third grade vernacular about God and country and how liberals and progressives are the anti-Christ while they raid your grandmothers social security and medicare. And all the while this group of fat middle class douche bags sit in front of their televisions watching Fox news, eating mayonaise sandwiches and drooling on their Hank Williams Jr. T-shirts.
The fact is that if things don't change soon we are all fucked. We all have different political views and we can certainly fight about anything and come to terms with it so we can all live reasonably with the outcome. That is what we have always done as Americans. But we must all come together to realize that what is destroying our country right now is not gay marriage, abortion and public radio. It's not welfare or the deficit. It's unbridled corporate greed. They own the politicians, they own the country, they own us. They have divided us with bullshit issues like school prayer and a woman's right to choose while they destroy our economy, squander our natural resources and pilfer our reserves. You say that I sound angry? Fucking A I'm angry. I'm angry at them, but I am more angry at us for allowing them to divide and conquer us so easily. Don't dismiss this OWS movement as some dirty hippie movement. Don't let the media manipulate you when they show you the drumlines and weirdness that goes on. They're young people for Chrissakes!!! They haven't been jaded and life slapped enough to become as cynical and critical as you and I have. They are smart and articulate and college educated. They want jobs and they want to feel like their government hears them. They saw what Wall St. did to their grandparent's and parent's retirement funds. They see how the banks and Wall Street and the media manipulate the system. They are watching how these bastards are fucking this country and they now if they don't blow the rape whistle now, it will be their turn next.
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Goddamn, you're right!
ReplyDeleteAs a woman i am offended by your reference to women's rights as "bullshit." There is nothing bullshit about the right to control your own body. How do you think if this continues families are going to survive with even more mouths to feed and even less pay check to go around? The issue of a woman's right to control her own body IS an economic issue. It isn't just small change bullshit that doesn't matter. The fact that you think it is clearly shows youa re a man with absolutely no idea what youa re talking about. A woman, makes about 2 thirds of what a man does. In families today both parents have to work to survive. I woud like you to be pregnant and to try to earn a pay check at the same time before you start commenting on what a minor issue it is. That is money taken away from the home that needs it if the woman is always barefoot and pregnant. That is almost 50% of the family's income. A woman's right to choose is about so much more than just a minor social issue it is in every way an issue of economics and of personal health and personal choice. Now lets take away almost half the income of the family and at to that a new mouth to feed every other year and the kind of stress that builds up in such situations plus the physical unrest of 2 adults living side by side and never getting to have a good time because oh wait they can not in any way do anything to keep down the number of people in their house! And then the house gets too small for soooo many..... They must purchase a new house to accomedate themselves..... Think what that costs financially and that nearly 50% of the income is gone. Now set that in today's world where the majority of the unemployed are infact men because employers must pay them 30% more for the same job a woman does for 30% less and remember only 1 parent in the family is working. yeh women's rights to control their own bodies is such a minor issue. just a small matter. Except that it isn't.
ReplyDeleteDid i mention you are clearly a moron?
Firstlt, Yes I may be a moron. Secondly, I never said anything about womens rights being bullshit. I merely pointed out that when we are trying to solve the wall street and bank problems the right will instinctively pull out the abortion, school prayer, evoloution card to muddy the waters and confuse the issue. Did you read the entire essay or did your eyes just flutter to that one line and your head exploded? Glenn