After Mr. Beck’s grandiose made for T.V evangelical tent revival on Saturday, he was back on "Fox News Sunday" the very next morning basking in the glow of his own self righteousness. Like most religious poseurs who manipulate the true meaning of a religion to support their own twisted world view, Beck puked up a particularly extra putrid puddle of cancerous phlegm.
Like most neo-con troglodytes who have finally understood that they have absolutely zero facts to support the fact that President Obama is a Muslim, they know must now define the “type” of Christian he is. Beck claimed that Obama "is a guy who understands the world through liberation theology, which is oppressor-and-victim." He also added "People aren't recognizing his version of Christianity." And of course la pièce de résistance is when he said "You see, it's all about victims and victimhood; oppressors and the oppressed; reparations, not repentance; collectivism, not individual salvation. I don't know what that is, other than its not Muslim, it's not Christian. It's a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it."
Holy Shit! I haven’t stepped foot in a church for a number of years, but I did spend a majority of my life as a Roman Catholic. I had 12 years of Catholic school education and theology courses. I have 5 of the 7 sacraments under my belt and can recite the required 10 “personal crazy penguin stories” that all Catholic school kids born before 1970 are obliged to tell when we are drunk and amongst ourselves. Now it is my recollection that Jesus Christ traveled and preached to the poor, right? I remember his Gospels saying things like:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39
“If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” Matthew 19:21
“But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13 &14
I happen to believe that Jesus was a Liberal. I know Holy Shit right?!! I believe he taught his followers that they did not need to follow in the strict, orthodox views of God, religion, and life. I believe that he rejected greed, violence, the glorification of power, the amassing of wealth without social balance, and the personal judging of others, their lifestyles and beliefs. I know, I know, it’s tough for you Bible thumping, conservative bigots to comprehend but it’s true. Jesus Christ was a filthy, tree hugging, hippie, socialist.
Forbes magazine calculated Glenn Beck's earnings for the previous year (March 2009 - March 2010) to be approximately 32 million dollars. This is the guy who is preaching against social justice for the poor? Let’s all be honest about what this is. This is the new Christian ethic. It is that the poor are lazy and undeserving of God’s love. Those of us who are lucky enough to be born into privilege or have not to have had any tragedy in our lives that have cost us our livelihoods are blessed by God. So why would people who are blessed help people who are not? And it only makes sense that if the government helps the poor and the needy then they are taxing and taking money from the blessed to do it. Thus the Government is socialist and anti-God and the righteous must take it back from the evil Black man disguising himself as a Christian.
Is anyone shocked that Beck has become a preacher now? What separates people more than anything? Religion. Glenn Beck and the rest of their ilk understand this more than anyone, and will now exploit it to its fullest extent. Everything now will become the “us” and the “them”. The “We the people” and the “Others”. With people like Beck and Palin and Hannity on the television it will not be very long before the righteous will lock and load and start doling out some old fashion biblical justice.
That is Heavy Duty .. and Very true.