Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Madhouse That Is The G.O.P

You would never know it from reading my blog, but I voted for Ronald Reagan and George Bush I.  I was a twenty-something white kid with a limited world view who didn't read the papers. I was Catholic who never experienced real poverty and hardship. In other words, I was the perfect GOP demographic. I grew up on Long Island and was only about a 40 minute ride on the LIRR into Manhattan. In my world you were either Jewish or Roman Catholic and the only real poor people that you saw were the brown faces begging for quarters at Penn Station.

When Ronald Reagan came into office, the Iran hostage crisis ended almost simultaneously and it seemed like America was coming back. The whole country was waking up and we were getting our "fuck you" shit going again. It was easy to vote for for Ronnie because we were blowin shit up, telling the Russians to go fuck themselves and everybody was working for the weekend. Iran-Contra was too confusing for my politically complacent brain and even though deep down I knew something fucked was happening I felt that the American ship would eventually right itself. Voting for Georgie the first was easy too because it was just  an extension of Ronnie's second term anyway. It wasn't until Clinton came along that I started morphing into the filthy liberal scum that stands before you today, but that is a tale for another day. The point that I am making is that it was easy for ill-informed, politically lazy white males to vote Republican back then.

What a difference 20 years makes, huh? That form of Reagan Republicanism that conservatives continually extol and weep for is practically Marxism compared to the drivel that this current crop of crazed lunatics preach. The fanatical right wing of the party has officially taken over. It does not matter what over the top, coo coo for cocoa puffs, neo-con crap they spew out! Can you imagine Ronald Reagan saying this?

"The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong." Rick Santorum

What? College education is bad? Improving one's situation by educating oneself so they can be better citizens is wrong? It is bad enough that these cross-eyed, knuckle draggers have the sheer audacity to even utter this venom, but it is one thousand times worse for a group of citizens to push a lever and vote for these fuckers!!! This current crop of GOP stooges seem to be trying to out-stupid themselves everyday. First they were against the health care bill calling it socialism. That's right, how dare someone with a life threatening illness want to get better without going into indentured servitude for the rest of their lives. But now they are against women's health services and publicly funded breast exams and contraception!!! Fucking Contraception??!!! Didn't we really get this all figured out 40 years ago for Christ's sake? These pious, holier than thou motherfuckers preach all this shit about less government and how we need to spend less, and then create larger government by mandating that that women have ultrasounds and their vagina's probed before having an abortion that is legally their right!!

These neanderthal fucktards talk about how their is so much waste in the system and how we need to cut social programs when by far the biggest return on investment would come from expanding access to family planning through Medicaid, something made possibly through the 2010 Affordable Care Act. A $235 million investment there would lower taxpayer costs of $1.32 billion by preventing unintended pregnancies. 1.32 Billion motherfucking dollars!!!!

Rick Scott, our fucking piece of shit governor down hear in Florida wanted to make sure that people receiving welfare weren't taking drugs. Because every republican right wing asshole understands that all poor people are drug addicts right? Wrong again!!! They set up a government program to preform blood tests on welfare recipients to make sure they weren't using the money to buy drugs. So far only 2% of those tested have come up positive, the Tampa Tribune reports, with 96% testing clean and 2% declining to complete the application process. The result was an intrusive government program that ended up costing the taxpayer more money!!! How much you ask? The state spent $40,000.00 implementing the program and saved $5000.00 a month in denied welfare payments. I say to you then, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???

Here's what's going on. These Republican assholes have nothing. They have no jobs bill. No plan for alternative energies. No foreign policy except to release democracy drones and drop freedom bombs on third world countries. They feel that Americans workers forming Labor Unions are Marxists bent on destroying America, but rich investors have the God given right to form corporations to protect their interests. They ship American jobs overseas and pay Indonesian children 50 cents a day then complain that American workers are selfish and don't understand how to be competitive in the world market. They are all of these things and in a normal, rational, free thinking society these fat cat oligarchists would be run out of town. But they have Jesus. And they use him to distract the rabid mob away from the stinking pile of shit that is the Republican platform.

I have no doubt that Obama will be the 45th president of the united states. The ultra-conservative right wing of the Republican party have alienated minorites, women, atheists, anyone who is not Christian and LBGT. I think that they have earned the right to alienate the 18-30 white male demographic.